Bridges, Rainbows, & Josh Groban

On March 20, Billboard aired a mini “concert” by Josh Groban, who sang from his home where he, like the rest of us, is holed up during this pandemic. The point of the performance was to raise relief funds for COVID-19, specifically Meals On Wheels, and just to give fans a little bit of happiness during these trying times.

He started off singing at the piano from his living room, crooning through “February Song” and “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” But then he moved to his shower (LMAO) for a snippet of “You Raise Me Up” because according to him “we have to have some shower acoustics to sing this song.” He was so right, too, because the acoustics sounded fantastic! Honestly, how can anyone not love this man?!

Anyways, my husband and I sat there on our family room floor with a glass of red wine and quietly listened to him sing, accompanied only by the piano, I might add. No other music. No other instruments. No orchestra. No choir. Just Josh and his Voice (yes, it deserves a capital “V”). Of course, he made me cry because he always makes me cry. But this pandemic business had only just started, and everything felt so overwhelming at that time. And listening to his sweet, powerful baritone—one that I’ve loved and found solace in for almost two decades!—while thinking about all the fear, all the anxiety, all the unknowns in our world right now … well, I had to release those pent-up emotions somehow. That’s nothing new, though. I always reach for Josh in my most difficult moments, so to feel his “live” presence in my home sharing songs that are so poignant and perfect for what we’re all going through … man, it was awesome. “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and “You Raise Me Up” get me every single time.

As if that wasn’t enough, he announced this week that he’s going to be giving these “shower” performances every Tuesday and Friday. Can you imagine!? Free Josh “concerts” in my living room twice a week! This is the life! He began this past Tuesday with the much-requested “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”—an oldie but goodie that has always erased me into a blubbering emotional basket case—and it was simply beautiful (yes, I cried). Alright fine, I think everything Josh does is beautiful but considering what we’re all going through, isn’t it the little things that we have to hold on to? From the very first time I heard his voice I was hooked. I can’t really explain it, but he always makes me feel safe and secure and happy and loved. He is home to me. He is my somewhere over the rainbow, my bridge over troubled water. That’s the power his music has over me. And as long as he’s willing to share it, that’s where you’ll find me. Celebrating every minute of him!

I want to end this post with one final thought. During his most recent tour for Bridges, Josh ended each show with “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” and he introduced the song by saying “… we need more bridges and less walls” [in this world]. I love that so much and I think about it all the time. It’s never been truer than today, either. I honestly believe God is trying to teach us something with these recent trials and tribulations and that the only way we will get through them is to be the bridge for one another.

So, I’ll see you all on the other side. 🌉 🌈

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