When The Clouds Roll Over Me

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 21

For today’s prompt, we’re working from the phrase “(blank) Me.” This whole poetry challenge has been very cathartic for me. I carry a lot of pent-up emotion and trauma within my body (as do we all) and being able to release that creatively is … quite freeing. I love penning pieces that speak to my humanity but also to my desire for finding peace and strength within that humanity.

When The Clouds Roll Over Me

Life is short
I always hear
Don’t spend your days
Cooped up in fear

Live every moment
Like it’s your last
Look to your future
Let go your past

Be open and present
Or you may miss
A child’s laughter
A lover’s kiss

When life is bleak
Don’t hide away
Stand strong and tall
Be sure to pray

This much is true
I know deep down
But it’s sometimes hard
To turn up a frown

No life exists
Without woe and pain
There’d be no rainbows
Without the rain

Clouds will roll in
That’s reality
No shame embracing
My whole humanity

It’s no enemy, vulnerability
But a building block of strength
This I do remind myself
Often and at length

These moments of unrest
Are when I seek out grace
Acknowledging that bright blue skies
Lie just beyond the grays


*Image by Willfried Wende from Pixabay.

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