We Were Always God’s Plan

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 20

If this isn’t a sign, I don’t know what is: Today happens to be my (our) 8th wedding anniversary and the prompt is to write a love poem! How perfectly poetic!

We Were Always God’s Plan

So long I waited
For true love’s first kiss
Cynical and jaded
I always seemed to just miss

They said I was picky
Too hard and too fly
Suggested that maybe
I had my standards too high

But I’d been through the ringer
They had not a clue
I’d been defeated and broken
By those before you

Then finally I realized
Their beautiful gift
They taught me to love me
Oh, what a pivotal shift

I walked away proud
So content and carefree
A huge weight off my shoulders
As I finally chose me

One month later I met you
The most wonderful man
And I knew with such certainty
We were always God’s plan


*Photo courtesy of ReBecca’s Photography.

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