Waiting For Food, A Parent’s Story

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 17

Happy Saturday! Normally I would have already published my daily poem but today just got away from me and now I’m exhausted and have no brain power. Is it bedtime yet?

Anyway, the prompt for today is to write a waiting poem, any interpretation, so I went with a free-verse poem about one of the most obnoxious aspects of parenting: dining out with children (actually, this works with eating at home, too, come to think of it).

Waiting For Food, A Parent’s Story

I’m starving
When will the food be here?
I want chocolate milk
Do they have chocolate milk?
What kids’ drinks do they have?
Can you tell me the kids’ drinks, please?
My feet hurt
I’m tired
Is the food here yet?
When are we going to eat?
Can I have your phone?
Mom, where’s your phone?
I want to play games on your phone
My tummy hurts
I’m so hungry
Is the food gonna be here soon?
Mom, mom, mom
Dad, dad, dad
When is the food gonna be here?
It’s taking so long for our food
Why is it taking so long for our food?


Oh, look, the beer has arrived!
Children, commence gaming
Mom and dad are in their happy place
(Thank goodness for beer and cell phones)


*Image by dailysugar from Pixabay.

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