To Set Us Free

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 6

Today’s prompt is to write a “change” poem. For good or bad, change is inevitable. We can use it to shackle us or to free us. I choose acceptance—of life and self—and freedom.

To Set Us Free

Forty-three years ago
I came to be
A bright-eyed babe
She used to be me

Time has changed her
Time and life
Through happiness and love
Trial and strife

For change is constant
It’s a guarantee
Some days we’re brave
And some we flee

Who I am today, I know
But what of tomorrow?
Will it be joy
Or maybe sorrow?

The beauty of living
Is not in the know
But in the discovery
And to each day grow

I’m thankful for the girl I was
And who I’ll grow to be
All changes, good and bad
They’re meant to set us free


*Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay.

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