Traces Of My Face

Contemplation of one's place in the world as time goes by

“Writing helps you heal yourself. I think if you write long enough, you will be a healthy person. That is, if you write what you need to write.”

— Alice Walker, author

Here’s to writing what we need to write.

Traces Of My Face

There’s a girl who bears my name
cloaked in shadows and past affairs

She’s stealing my vitality




Searching blindly, can’t catch
a glimpse
of the face I knew before
so young, so healthy, so sweet, so fair

She used to be there
behind this sober stare

But time,

it ravages


and merciless

Leaving her a stranger
In its crude and empty wake




She’s fading with each passing day
resolutely left to wonder

Is the girl still there
deep within?

Or am I just her spare?


*Image by israelbest from Pixabay.

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