The Winds Of Winter Will Finally Blow

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 2

Today’s prompt is to answer the question “What does the future hold?” and use our answer as the title of our poem. Well, that’s a bit of a loaded question these days but because it’s Good Friday and the start of a lovely Easter weekend, I’m steering clear of any negativity. Let’s talk fantasy, specifically Game of Thrones! In my (hopefully) near future, I am clutching (and sniffing!) a copy of George R.R. Martin’s “The Winds Of Winter,” a book he’s been “writing” for, oh, about 10 years now. His most recent book in the A Song Of Ice And Fire epic, “A Dance With Dragons,” was released in 2011. I’d say it’s time to get this show on the (Kings)road … not holding my breath or anything, but a girl can dream (of spring), no?

The Winds Of Winter Will Finally Blow

In the fabled land of Westeros
Five highborn families lie in wait
Rivaling for the Iron Throne
The winter hour, it grows late

The Northern Starks of Winterfell
Led by the noble Ned
Hounded by fool pride and grace
Until they axed his head

The Baratheons of great Kings Landing
Brute Robert holds the throne
Undone by wine and women
A wild boar does leave him prone

The Lannisters, the lion pack
Lauded legends of The Rock
A trio of conniving siblings
Tyrant Tywin iron hands his flock

Then come the Targaryans
Whose kin ruled ’cross the sea
But insanity runs through their veins
Her claim of throne’s not meant to be

And finally, the Greyjoy seat
The Ironborn do ravage and do reap
Until the son redeems himself
His soul he dies to keep

These tragic, timeworn families
War to conquer all the realm
Yet what they fail to comprehend
Are the Others at the helm

For deep within the Northern lands
There lurks a foreign horde
An army of resurrected dead
And their ice-blue Night King lord

As the whooshing winds of winter swirl
The Faith of the Seven does await
Wolf, stag, lion, dragon, kraken
In the balance, hangs their fate

Who will win this Game of Westeros?
Well, only Martin knows
I pray he finishes this epic series
Before he and fans do come to blows


*Image by Mario K. from Pixabay.

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