The Right Time

Poetry challenge day 6: I’m not using a prompt today. Instead, I penned a free-verse poem based on a passing comment I heard recently about planning something for “the right time.”

The Right Time

A silky, smooth black dress
In the far-left closet corner
Draped daintily upon a wire
For that super sexy date night

When the time is right

The finest of crystal china
Behind the mirrored glass
Polished and perched upon a shelf
For that red-letter all-girls soirée

When the time is right

A hand-me-down porcelain tea set
In a faded cardboard box
Nestled safely amid the bubbles
For that toddler teddy tea party

When the time is right

A top-shelf bottle of bubbly
Beside its brethren in the cellar
Uncorked and laying upon its side
For that best-in-class achievement

When the time is right

A tattered, time-worn journal
Long forgotten in a drawer
Brittle, parched, and yellowed
For that perfect untold story

When the time is right

Then along comes a pandemic
A sign from God above?
To ease the blinders from our eyes
And spotlight all we’ve buried

That our time on this great Earth
Will one day meet its end
And that we musn’t waste it
Or release it from our grasp

So, put on that black and silky dress
Host that soirée and tea party
Break out your finest chic champagne
And write your life-long story

Don’t wait until your number’s up
To live and celebrate
For the right time isn’t down the road
The right time is right now

*Image by anncapictures from Pixabay.

One thought on “The Right Time

  1. Love this poem! How true. You are so talented, Sabrina. And i hope you were wearing that silky dress and sipping on some bubbly as you were writing this!

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