The Painter

we live in a world of colors

Been thinking a lot about judgment, misunderstanding, and differences in opinion these days. There’s certainly plenty of each to go around and it’s so … tedious. I wish we could all just support one another, have compassion for one another, be kinder to one another. Just live and let live. My fingers are crossed that we find our way, and soon.

The Painter

Don’t presume to paint me
With your broad and brazen strokes
For you are you and I am me
There’s no shame in vulnerability
No dishonor in escape
Some days they dawn with color
While others fade to black
So instead of passing judgment
Or biting back in scorn
Sketch yourself into my shoes
Look kinder on my hues
Shade compassion in with pastel pinks
Understanding in sweet baby blues
Maybe then you’ll come to realize
That the essence of this potpourri
Illuminates not our disparity
But the beauty of our autonomy

*Image by Aida KHubaeva from Pixabay.

One thought on “The Painter

  1. Yes! We have to stop painting each other with broad strokes. We are complex, intelligent, and nuanced living breathing human beings who deserve love and compassion.

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