The Crooner Or The Poet?

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 24

Today’s prompt is to write a question poem. The leader suggested a few different ways to come at this one; I chose to make my title a question and also to end my poem with a question.

I haven’t been writing much of an introduction to my poetry throughout this challenge but this one’s a little different because I’ve been reflecting on this question a lot lately … Is it more acceptable, tolerable, forgivable for an artist to express emotion in a song, or in a written piece?

When I lay bare my soul in a blog post or a poem, I often wonder if my honesty is uncomfortable or disagreeable because, in essence, the words are a collection of inky blemishes on a blank white canvas, with no special effects to lighten the load. There’s no getting around the words. What you see is what you get. As my husband put it recently, writing is just one step removed from a conversation.

In a song, however, the instrumentation and musical arrangements share in the lyrics’ burden and arguably offer an escape from the intensity of the meaning behind the words. You don’t necessarily need the lyrics to understand or feel the depth of an artist’s emotion in a song. I say this with Ryan Stewart’s Autumn in mind, a powerful haunting instrumental that fills me with such longing for that time of year, even in April. Does that make musicians’ job easier? Or harder? Or more forgiving or understandable? Sometimes it seems as if vulnerability within a song is more palatable than a simple piece of writing. Am I the only one who reflects on things like this? It’s a fascinating question, and one for which I don’t have an answer.

Either way, though, wearing your heart on your sleeve is terrifying and I have so much respect for artists who are willing to share the deepest, darkest parts of themselves, no matter the medium. If anyone out there is reading this, what do you think? I will likely come back to this topic in a later post.

The Crooner Or The Poet?

I’ll sing you a song
Tell you I’m over you
I hate you, I love you

I’ll sing you a song
Tell you I’m weak
I’m terrified, I’m released

I’ll sing you a song
Tell you I’m torn
I’m hopeless, I’m restored

I’ll sing you a song
Tell you I’m lost
I’m broken, I’m mended

I’ll sing you a song
Tell you I’m ruined
I’m ashamed, I’m saved

I’ll sing you a song
Tell you I’m leaving
I’m staying, I’ll be back one day

I’ll sing you a song
Because it’s easier
Than writing the words

Or will you judge me either way?


*Image by JL G from Pixabay.

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