Sundays Are For Opera

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 25

On this last Sunday of my poetry challenge, we’re penning a thought poem (all poetry is about thought, no?). I’ve written many times about family traditions and one of my favorites to come out of the pandemic are our Opera Sundays. My husband and I put on our Pandora opera channel, pour a glass of vino (usually red), and whip up a delicious Italian feast. Cooking side by side is one of our most beloved pastimes, reminiscent of our early days together, and Sundays are the perfect opportunity.

Sundays Are For Opera

Sweet Sundays have become for us
Lazy days for family
A stem of wine, some Sunday sauce
Our own symphonic serenade

Dinners round the kitchen table
Jokes and laughter, reverie
Precious moments spent immersed
In arias sung so brilliantly

My favorite one by far
Duo des fleurs, sous le dôme épais
A beautiful Parisian opera
From Léo Delibes’ Lakmé

Then, La bohème e Madama Butterfly
True best of Pavarotti
Italian tenor extraordinaire
To his voice, none can compare

And, last, Attesa e Sancta Maria
De la ópera Cavalleria Rusticana
Both softly stirring melodies
So haunting e inquietante

To so many more we tip our glass
They set the perfect mood
As we ready for the week ahead
Within this snug cocoon

Oh, there’s nothing quite like opera
On a Sunday afternoon
A tradition I hold near and dear
So happy, I could swoon


*Image by MustangJoe from Pixabay.

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