
April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 5

No prompt today. I miss wearing heels, I miss my big, beautiful city, and I can’t wait until the day I can take my sweet girl out on the town! (Here’s hoping I’ll still be able to walk in heels when that day comes. 🤣)


One fine day I knew you
You were a faithful shoe
But time has made us strangers
Oh what are we to do?

Sexy and sleek, a high six inches
Pumps or boots up to the knee
You made me a professional
An honorary city girl, so free

Endless nights spent on the (up)town
In the city that never sleeps
Clubs and pubs, bars and lounges
You spent your life cradling my feet

A pretty parade lined in my closet
Colors arrayed from red to gold
The perfect pair for every season
You were a beauty to behold

But now you’re relegated to the corner
Behind the humdrum flats and flips
Wondering about your uselessness
And how on earth I got these hips

Well, you see they’re called young children
I’m a momma now, you know
That fearless city girl’s no longer
Where oh where did that time go?

I hope one day I’ll resurrect you
Slide you on my dancin’ feet
I’ll be the life soul of the party
Now wouldn’t that be such a treat

Only …

My sweet daughter will be next to me
Stepping boldly to the beat
I will gaze at her with loving eyes
And my life will be complete


*Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay.

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