Sidewalk Chalk

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 9

Today we’re tasked with penning a persona poem for an inanimate object. The timing here was perfect because I just bought my kids a big box of colored chalk and we’ve spent the past few days painting happiness on our driveway and along the sidewalk. (I went outside to snap a picture of our drawings but most of them have already been washed away! 😔 Guess we’ll just have to head back out later and draw them again.)

Sidewalk Chalk

Alone in my box
Your children’s hands my heartbeat
Their vision my soul

I hold my breath, wait
What will they create today?
I wonder gaily

A pretty palette
Of colors across the way
Their sidewalk rainbow

A game of hopscotch
Throw your rock, hop, skip, and jump
Who will win or lose?

A bright, sunny beach
Blue skies crowded with black Vs
Pink sand full of shells

A face filled with joy
Long hair, purple eyes, big ears
He is happy, mom

Words of hope and love
Oh, there is no place like home
We are family

What a joy, my job!
Sparking creativity
I am so lucky

Clean-up time arrives
I am sad to see them go
Their art sustains me

A world of delight
My life’s purpose is complete
See you next time, friends


*Image by Paula Wiseman from Pixabay.

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