
April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 23

We’re writing an appointment poem today … when I first read the prompt my initial thought was “ugh, how boring!” But then I started typing and the words poured out onto the page.

Happy TGIF, friends! I can’t believe there’s only one more week left in my poetry challenge! It’s been so much fun, and I will be sorry to see it end, but perhaps I will come up with a new idea to grace these pages. Any suggestions?


To be reunited with
My faithful friends
Lost and long forgotten
Behind greener pastures
Held tightly within your grasp
At the center of the world
A world that used to be mine
But is no longer
Do they wait for me
As I burn for them
Within the shadow
Of these troubled times
Their reminiscence tingles
Pulses through my veins
Strokes my limbs
Sustains my soul
No longer dormant
But hopeful
And full of promise
That our diverged paths
Will one day cross again


*Image by JLB1988 from Pixabay.

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