Rain Puddles

I dedicate this one to my brother. May we never forget the childhood joy of dancing in the rain. 🙂

Rain Puddles

A spring in my step
My feet filled with pep
Flawless face to the sky
As winged formations soar by

My brother’s beside me
Boots up to his knee
Glancing left before right
We duck far out of sight

We bolt to the cul-de-sac
Double-dare don’t look back
Splish, splash chimes the puddle
Galoshes dripping with muddle

We dance and we prance
It might be our last chance
Bare limbs flailing ’round
Our joys know no bound

The rains are still falling
But momma’s not calling
Could it be she don’t know
About our au naturel show?

The front door swings wide
There’s nowhere to hide
Uh oh, momma has caught us
Now she’ll make a big fuss

We huddle and we wait
To discover our fate
But to our childish delight
Momma laughs and makes light

You shouldn’t be out here
My sweet little dears
Your naked, wrinkly behinds
Best dash back inside

Cold, wet, and shivering
Our purple lips quivering
We shared a small grin, me and my brother
Oh how we love to pull one over on mother


*Image by Photorama from Pixabay.

2 thoughts on “Rain Puddles

  1. Haha, absolutely amazing!!! Too bad there aren’t any pics of our adventures to go along with your words <3

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