My Dearest Joe

Poetry challenge day 8: Write a “spirit of the stairs” poem. I’ve never heard of this before but apparently, it’s a way to capture that moment when you think of all the things you should’ve said AFTER the moment has passed. Thus, you’re on the stairs. My piece today doesn’t quite qualify but I do mention the stairs (LOL) and, quite honestly, it’s about damn time I told my beloved joe just how much he means to me! That fits this prompt, no?! 🤣 Happy Monday, friends!

My Dearest Joe

I awaken at the break of day
To your sweet lyrical beep, beep
I inhale your bold aroma
It almost makes me want to weep

I tiptoe down the staircase
My heart happy and so giddy
I see you there, my saving grace
Oh please stay asleep dear kiddies

A splash of milk and sugar
A quick stir and off we go
Back upstairs, my book is calling
Can’t wait to sip this dreamy joe

Nestled safe inside my covers
I bear you gently to my lips
Close my eyes, all else subsides
With that first soul-saving sip

Oh, how I do revere you, joe
I’ll shout it far across the nation
You’re a treasure trove of goodness
And the pinnacle of all creation

*Image by Pexels from Pixabay.

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