My Cup Runneth Over

Bells' painting

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 13

Let’s write a lucky poem!

My Cup Runneth Over

Opportunity comes with each new day
It’s all about perspective
Too often I fall short of grace
But today I’m full of happy
I was lucky to become your wife
I’d make the same choice over
So blessed to be called your mom
You two my best gifts ever
Our family, too, we have our health
No taking that for granted
And then, of course, our hearth and home
So filled with love and laughter
Could any girl be luckier than I?
For any luckier and I could fly


*My daughter painted this dazzling rainbow last year but I’m using it here anyways because I think it depicts the meaning behind this poem beautifully! 🙂

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