
My poetry challenge is over, yes, it’s true, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. Writing anything more right now feels … daunting. Probably because I have so many things bottled up inside my head and no idea how to make heads or tails of them. Does that make sense? Who the hell knows anymore. In any event, let’s poem.


So easy to be blinded
By what they do not show
A masquerade on auto loop
This way and that they blow

Disheartening to say the least
When one becomes aware
Of exploitation and pretension
True colors streak the air

But solace weaves in many ways
Time feasts upon despair
And open eyes do realize
Hard truths are ours to bear

Release comes with relinquishing
Tattered pieces of ourselves
Those we shared most willingly
Only to be laid upon the shelves

Shed the weight, unload the burden
Serenity comes at last
Contented with the knowledge
What’s done is done and past

Within that light, discovery
A blessed day dawns anew
To offer those most worthy
The authenticity of you

*Image by anncapictures from Pixabay.

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