Life Friends

April 2021 Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 3

Today’s prompt is to write a communication poem. I dedicate this friendship letter to my better (friend) halves … you know who you are. 😊 I’m calling this a “braided” haiku because I wrote each stanza as a haiku poem but braided them together into a longer piece. If you’re unfamiliar with haiku, these three-line poems have five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second, and five syllables in the third.

Life Friends

True friends are rare gems
Like winning the lottery
or striking pure gold

The bonds of friendship
Wrap their loving arms around
Two hearts lost then found

Though life does hinder
The connection of years past
We remain as one

Via phone or text
We reach out as time allows
Even when we doubt

Yet when our paths cross
We come together freely
All is right again

If friends were soulmates
Then ours would be heaven sent
I thank God for you

I would never trade
One minute we two have shared
This I honor you

You know who you are
Friends forever, you and me
Hope to see you soon


*Image by Alexandra ❤️A life without animals is not worth living❤️ from Pixabay.

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