Flying Free

The other day I came across a poetry challenge on a writing website I follow. The goal is to write one poem every day during the month of April. I realize it’s still March, but the leader of this initiative decided to do a 10-day warmup (today is day 3). He posts a prompt every morning and anyone can pen a poem based on that prompt. I didn’t really follow his “leads” with my first two poems because poetry isn’t my strong suit, and I am unfamiliar with many of the technical terms of which he speaks. I’m more using them as inspiration and motivation for my own writings. Plus, I thought I would spice things up a bit and challenge myself. I hesitated to mention this before because I wasn’t sure I would be up to the task—I’m still not sure in fact—but maybe putting it down on paper will force me to follow through for the next month. 🤞 (Don’t judge me if I fail!)

In any event, I am sorta following his idea for today: a fantasy poem. Not the typical flights of fancy with wizards and dragons and magic (as much as I love all that), but my own fantasy of being free from the anxieties that constantly plague my mind. So, here goes …


Flying Free

I’m in the air
I’m flying free
Without a care
So high I dare

My wings spread wide
Only joy inside
I’m flying free
My fears do flee

The veils have lifted
My mindset shifted
I’m finally me
I’m flying free


*Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

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